What can HousingWeaver do for you?
We have packed HousingWeaver with features that can meet your needs.
We designed HousingWeaver to provide four key views into your community’s housing market.
Use our data views to get a complete picture.

All our views are embedded with powerful features that we designed around your workflows.
Download data
Download all our data in CSV, GeoJSON, or image formats to quickly insert into your analysis.
Track progress
Track policy impacts and progress toward goals over time and circulate progress reports to stakeholders.
Leverage data expertise
Browse our data catalog to create and export data indicators that we have built using over 40 unique data sources, including HMDA, FRED, BLS, parcel data, HUD, and the Census.
Make data accessible
Provide open and accessible data and analysis for your constituents, colleagues, and residents with a Community Platform.
Calculate policy impacts
Trying to understand if a new housing policy will help move the needle? A suite of tools that help you understand the impacts of housing policies based on your market dynamics.
Upload your data
Upload permitting data, eviction records, or development timelines to tell a full story of your market.
Community Platform
Empower your community with data-driven engagement.
- Housing department staff can co-design this space with community priorities in mind, ensuring relevant and accessible information and a clear narrative arc.
- From affordable housing availability to neighborhood demographics, give your residents the insights they need to participate meaningfully in local housing discussions.
- Use your colors, logos, and style to a cohesive engagement strategy.

Data Expertise
We don't stop at aggregation. HousingWeaver goes further by:
- Combining disparate datasets to reveal hidden insights
- Distilling complex information into key, actionable indicators
- Cutting through the noise to highlight what truly matters
Custom Insights
- Bespoke Indicators: We work closely with you to develop custom metrics that align perfectly with your department's unique needs and goals.
- Local Data Integration: Upload your proprietary local data securely into our platform, enriching our extensive library with your on-the-ground insights.
- Flexible Analysis: Whether you're tracking neighborhood-specific trends or measuring the impact of local policies, our custom insights adapt to your focus.

Policy Calculators
Powerful custom tools simulate the potential impacts of various policies tuned to your market dynamics.
- Upzoning Potential: Calculate the potential increase in housing units from changes in zoning laws and height restrictions.
- Inclusionary Zoning: Estimate the number of affordable units created and potential effects on overall housing production.
- Rent Stabilization: Project how different rent control policies might affect housing availability, affordability, and landlord behavior.
- Accessory Dwelling Units: Estimate the number of new ADUs and their effect on housing supply and affordability.